In 1995, Midland Red West Limited purchased 13 new Dennis Darts for use from Kidderminster depot and its outstations in Shropshire. The Midland Red West marketing department produced a four page leaflet titled “Welcome Aboard the new Dennis Dart” to promote the new vehicles.
In April 1996, Midland Red West Limited acquired a new low-Floor Dennis Dart for use on tendered services in the Shropshire area. To promote this new vehicle the Marketing department at MIdland Red West produced a six page leaflet, titled “Welcome Abord the all new Super Low Floor Bus”
Midland Red West also used photographs of their Dennis Darts on the front cover of certain area timetalbes. This 46-page timetable for services in and around Herefordshire was produced in March 1997, and featured the same photograph that was used on the cover of the “Welcome Aboard the new Dennis Dart” leaflet, even though the service show on the vehicles destination display is not one included in the timetable!