Midland Red (Express)
Midland Red Coaches
Midland Red Express (Midland Red Coaches) All types - Overview

Midland Red Express (Midland Red Coaches)
All vehicle types — Overview

Midland Red (Express) Limited formed on 6th September 1981, following the brake up of the Midland Red Omnibus Company Limited (MROC). The company was formed with 82 vehicles and one depot at Digbeth, operating long distance coaching interests.

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This function will search all currently stored records of vehicles, of all makes and models, owned or operated by the selected company. These records are not yet complete but new records are continually being added and at this time a total of 11,147 records are stored. 166 of these records are for vehicles owned and/or operated by the selected operator.

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Vehicles inherited from Midland Red (MROC) at formation

Vehicle types acquired by Midland Red Express (1981–1986)