Forum update: POSTING ERROR

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Forum update: POSTING ERROR

Post by AdamH » 17:56 Sunday 9th September 2018

I have been updating the forum software today. Work has mostly finished but it seems we have lost the photograph attachments. I am now restoring these from backup but it may take a while and some of the most recently posted photos may be missing.

Probably best not to post any new photos until further notice...


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Re: Forum updates

Post by AdamH » 20:43 Sunday 9th September 2018

As far as I can see, all the photographs have been restored from the backups and the software updates have been installed successfully. So we are now finished and it's business as usual!

If anyone spots any errors, please let me know. There's always the chance I have missed something.

Meanwhile, you can now enjoy standard emoji support 🚌 🤣

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Re: Forum update: UPLOAD ERROR

Post by AdamH » 19:38 Monday 10th September 2018

As pointed out by Tim Brown, there is a bug in the photograph uploader. When trying to upload more than one photo at a time, the photos will vanish if you use the Preview button.

This is a known error in the software and not something I have messed up (for a change). There is a fix posted on their support page so it should be sorted when I get time.

Meanwhile, if you need to upload more than one photo at a time (the limit is up from 10 to 20 now), DON'T USE THE PREVIEW FUNCTION.


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Re: Forum update: UPLOAD ERROR

Post by AdamH » 08:42 Tuesday 11th September 2018

The patch has now been installed and after testing it looks like it's working.

While we are on the subject of photographs there are a few updates to report...
  • The size limit for an individual photograph of 2Mb each has now been removed, so you can post as large as you like.
  • The limit of 10 photographs per post has been increased to 20 photographs per post. Note, this is the limit "per post" not "per thread" so if you wish to post more than 20 you can just post the first 20 then use the "Post Reply" button to add more in the same thread.
  • You can now send photographs in Private Messages. This is limited to 5 photographs per message.
Once again, this is a new instillation of updated software (from version 3.1.0-RC1 to 3.2.2) so may be more bug to fix. Please report them if you find them.


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Re: Forum update: POSTING ERROR

Post by AdamH » 11:18 Thursday 27th September 2018

Well I thought it was quiet on here! Seems a posting error crept into the system and as I didn't have much to say I didn't notice it. Sorry.

All fixed now!

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