Midland “Red”
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VehicleLeyland Leopard PSU3/4R — Midland Red type code: LS18
B53F Willowbrook
New with DP48F layout, reseated (2/71) to B53F layout
Number5192 (5192 HA)
OperatorMidland Red Omnibus Company Limited, Stratford depot
New (8/63) to Birmingham & Midland Motor OC Ltd. (Midland “Red”), Birmingham. Operator renamed (29/3/74) to Midland Red OC Ltd. Withdrawn (11/77)
DescriptionSeen after being downgraded for bus work and reclassified to type LS18.
Datec. 1975
DD12 on Sunday 4th December 2016
I really miss the poppy red 70's. We could travel all over the country and see different types, but in the same NBC red livery as our local buses. In the first half of the '70s, some of them had bodywork styling originating in the 1950s and early '60s, like the Leyland Leopard in the photo.

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