Midland Red (West)
First Midland Red
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VehicleOptare Solo M850
B26F Optare
Number1713 (VX53 OEN)
OperatorFirst Midland Red Buses Limited
New (13/10/03) to First Midland Red Buses Ltd., Worcester. Passed (11/08) to Northampton Transport Ltd. (“First Northampton”), Northampton. Passed (10/10) to First Midland Red Buses Ltd., Worcester. Withdrawn (6/9/15). Passed (10/9/15) to First Potteries Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent. Withdrawn (5/11/16). Passed (9/1/17) to First Cymru Buses Ltd., Swansea
LocationPadmore Street depot, Worcester
DescriptionSeen shortly after being delivered and before moving to Hereford depot to enter service.
Three new Optare Solos, fleet numbers 1713–1715, were delivered to Worcester depot on the day before the photograph. All three entered service at Hereford depot on 27th October 2003 for the new “WyeS Moves” services. A fourth example, fleet number 1716, arrived in November.
DateFriday 17th October 2003
SourcePhotograph © Lee Wigmore
bringstybeast on Wednesday 17th October 2018
with the lack of faith in the ability to keep branded buses on route, always thought they did a good keeping these on the right side of the river. Only once known one to make it to Worcester in service - and that was covering for a breakdown!

AdamH on Thursday 18th October 2018
WyeS Moves card holders were able to get money off their bus fare on these buses, as part of the contract with Herefordshire Council. Maybe First were worried about having to sell discount tickets on their commercial routes?

lrew120585 on Tuesday 23rd October 2018
They were used quite regularly on the late shifts when they first arrived at Hereford so ventured the wrong side of town quite a lot!

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FMRAugust2014Hereford • Kings Acre • Credenhill

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