The public consultation for implementing the Air Quality Action Plan is now "live". ... 4-2029.pdf
Pages 45+46 of the draft plan show a % of Euro 6 buses that WERE with First Worcester, BUT that may be on it's way down to 0% by the end of the current vehicle swapping round !!
But it appears to me that the council is relying on CASCADES of Euro 6 buses within First, - to happen by 2029 ( - so that would still be achievable) -- ( ?? - I may be wrong, so If any clear thinking person could read the documents and put their opinions on here, it would be good !!)
Worcester AQAP and our future buses
Re: Worcester AQAP and our future buses
The 59 plate Volvo were retrofitted with exhaust traps to make them Euro VI paid for with funding from TfWM when they were operating the 144 into Birmingham City Centre. Having an air quality scheme in place should help with bidding for funding for zero emission buses if the current government continue with the Zeb funding rounds.
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