Stratford - Redditch change

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Stratford - Redditch change

Post by JustinTyme » 22:04 Thursday 15th December 2016

Stagecoach are making some changes in the Leamington and Stratford areas from Sunday 18 December 2016. As part of this the 26 and 26A, Stratford - Redditch, are both renumbered to X19. Diamond's journeys on the 26 are being renumbered X19 as well.

Also, most X19 journeys between the peaks (Mon-Sat) are linked with X17 journeys to run through to and from Coventry. However, unlike the X18, there is a change of service number at Stratford.

I understand that Stratford depot is being relegated to being an outstation of Leamington depot soon, but I don't know if it is happening at the same time.

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Re: Stratford - Redditch change

Post by AdamH » 22:21 Thursday 15th December 2016

Are the Diamond workings of the 26 still worked under contract, or have they come to some sort of joint operation agreement with Stagecoach?

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Re: Stratford - Redditch change

Post by Stagecoach 1 » 10:41 Friday 16th December 2016

Stratford depot is being downgraded on 18th December.About 12 drivers have been transfered to Leamington as has most of the work. Diamond are still only doing the tendered working's on the X19 Stratford -Redditch. There's a lot of changes from the 18th of Dec on routes in and around Leamington which can be found on the stagecoach website. Also another big change is proposed for April 2017 when the new depot should be open at Tachbrook Park Leamington.

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Re: Stratford - Redditch change

Post by AdamH » 19:27 Friday 16th December 2016

Indeed there is info on the Stagecoach website...

Link to X19 timetable

I think they layout of the timetable is very good... Much better and easier to understand than some I have seen!

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